Monday, November 12, 2012


Spicynodes is an awesome free tool. It is very easy to use and quite fun to play around with. Plus, it has a great library of designs. Here is what a Spicynode looks like:

Make sure to click on each of the bubbles in the Spicynode to see all of the content.

If you have ever used Prezi before, you might see some similarities between Spicynodes and Prezi. The main difference is that Prezi is usually used for presentations with a set path, while a Spicynode can be explored in any order. Also, Spicynodes are put together like a tree diagram, with parts that branch off of each other, which is a bit different from Prezi as well.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Survey Tools Conclusion

Several of the remaining survey tools that I was going to look at have closed down and I think I have already touched on the most useful ones. So for these reasons, I am going to conclude my survey tool search. Here are the three survey tools I looked at: 

All three of these tools definitely have their strong points and weak points. PollDaddy offers the widest range of features, while Fluid Surveys offers a wide range of great looking designs. I find that the one I use the most is SurveyMonkey. SurveyMonkey is simple to use and produces very nice-looking surveys. I would also like to mention that Google Docs also has a great survey tool. 

I encourage you to take a look at one or more of the survey tools that I have mentioned. I hope you find them fun and useful!